Friday, September 25, 2015

More infuaiona

Yesterday was infusion #3 of optima  Our visit with Dr. Wallentme was good.  These infusions make me tired.  The headaches are very real.  JoLynne tries to keep ahead of them.  No small task   The headaches are very persistent  It is interesting this time i had a bump come up in the middle of my mouth.  I'm sure its is tumor pushing  It is annoying but I have seen the bump reduce in size by 10-20 % right after the infusion so in ways it is a blessing to know that something is working because I can feel lt shrinking  We continue to be very hopeful that optivo will somehow shrink this cancer down.  I have told Heavenly Father that I really need a miracle to shrink this tumor  This is something that I cannot do on my own.  I need His help  I know that He loves me.  I just hope that this time He is willing to heal me.

I am so grateful for JoLynne.  She is so kind and caring.  I really love her and I am grateful to her too.  She is such a good woman.  I am so blessed to have her


  1. You are both wonderful people with SO many praying for you! I'm so proud of your bravery and courage. I really look up to you, dear Uncle and your sweetheart wife. I love you both so much. Much love your way.

  2. We are thinking of you. Your positive attitude and bravery are inspiring!

  3. We love you. We will keep you in our prayers and that your faith may be strengthened.
